Offres Emploi Lead developer |

Emploi Lead developer en Var

2 offres - Lead developer - Var (83)

  • Software Team Lead - C++ CPU modelling

    • CDI

    • Figanières (83)

    Il y a 20 heures
    ...We are looking for someone to lead a new team of modelling engineers in our office in the south of France. If you are an excellent... (including one for technical leadership). As a team lead, you will guide and nurture talent and deliver through others. How to...
  • Software Team Lead - C++ CPU modelling

    • CDI

    • Tanneron (83)

    Il y a 20 heures
    ...We are looking for someone to lead a new team of modelling engineers in our office in the south of France. If you are an excellent... (including one for technical leadership). As a team lead, you will guide and nurture talent and deliver through others. How to...
  • Créer une alerte mail Emploi - Lead developer - Var (83)

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