Garde d'enfant Yoopies

Paris 08 (75)CDI
Il y a 15 jours

Description du poste

We are looking for someone having experience with babies
-this is for 2 boys - 3 years and 1 month
-saturday and sunday all day long, the person can leave when my 2 sons are washed and had dinner
-job: take care of the kids i.e play, give bath and food but also a little bit of organisation for the house like do the beds, put back the toys , clean the table after lunch as examples and a little bit of ironing if my sons are sleeping

Description du profil

We are looking for someone having experience with babies
-this is for 2 boys - 3 years and 1 month
-saturday and sunday all day long, the person can leave when my 2 sons are washed and had dinner
-job: take care of the kids i.e play, give bath and food but also a little bit of organisation for the house like do the beds, put back the toys , clean the table after lunch as examples and a little bit of ironing if my sons are sleeping

L'entreprise : Yoopies

Yoopies est la plateforme de mise en relation dans le service à la personne, et d'assistance administrative. Garde d'enfant, ménage, soutien scolaire, pet-sitting et aide aux proches dépendants, notre volonté est d'alléger la charge mentale des foyers et facilité le recours aux services à la personne. Plus d'un million d'intervenants utilisent notre plateforme pour leur recherche d'emploi et la gestion de leurs prestations

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au poste de Garde d'enfant - CDI.

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Référence : GARDE51834